西嶌 大宣 にしじま ひろのぶ
平成25年 東大病院耳鼻咽喉科 助教
平成30年 亀田総合病院 耳鼻咽喉科部長
平成31年 – 令和2年 Harvard大学/ Tufts大学へ留学
令和3年 東京大学耳鼻咽喉科 特任講師
令和6年 東京大学耳鼻咽喉科 講師
研究では嗅覚障害の病態解明、嗅覚機能のイメージング、鼻腔における気流解析、鼻形態の解析、副鼻腔疾患・鼻アレルギーの病態解明、virtual surgery、アレルギー性鼻炎の疫学調査など鼻領域の研究を主に行っている。
・日本鼻科学会認定鼻科手術 暫定指導医
・Rhinology World Congress, 36th congress of the International Society of Inflammation and Allergy of the Nose (ISIAN) 2017: The ISIAN Award the 1st prize
・The 3rd Rhinology Research Forum in Asia (RReFA), 2017:Young Investigator Award 1st prize
・日本鼻科学会賞 (2024年)
- Nishijima H, Zunitch MJ, Yoshida M, Kondo K, Yamasoba T, Schwob JE, Holbrook EH. Rapid fluorescent vital imaging of olfactory epithelium. iScience. 2022; 25: 104222.
- Nishijima H,Holbrook EH. Techniques in Staining of Rodent and Human Olfactory Tissue. Methods Mol Biol. 2023: 195-207. New York, NY: Springer US.
- Yamakawa K, Nishijima H*, Koizumi M, Kondo K. Assessing volume growth of paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity in children using three-dimensional imaging software. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2024; 6:917-921.
- Nishijima H, Kondo K, Yamamoto T, Nomura T, Kikuta S, Shimizu Y, Mizushima Y, Yamasoba T. Influence of the location of nasal polyps on olfactory airflow and olfaction. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology. 2018; 8: 695-70.
- Nishijima H, Suzuki S, Kondo K, Yamasoba T, Yanagimoto S. Environmental factors associated with allergic rhinitis symptoms in Japanese university students: a cross-sectional study.Auris Nasas larynx. 2018; 45: 1006-1013.
- Nishijima H, Kondo K, Toma-Hirano M, Kikuta S, Ando M, Ueha R, Yamasoba T. Prolonged denervation induces remodeling of nasal mucosa in rat model of posterior nasal neurectomy. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology. 2017; 7: 670-678.
- Nishijima H, Kondo K, Nomura T, Yamasoba T. Ethmoidectomy combined with superior meatus enlargement increases olfactory airflow. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. 2017; 2: 136-146.
- Nishijima H, Kondo K, Kagoya R, Iwamura H, Yasuhara K, Yamasoba T. Facial nerve paralysis associated with temporal bone masses. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2017; 44: 548-553.
- Nishijima H, Kondo K, Toma-Hirano M, Iwasaki S, Kikuta S, Fujimoto C, Ueha R, Kagoya R, Yamasoba T. Denervation of nasal mucosa induced by posterior nasal neurectomy suppresses nasal secretion, not hypersensitivity, in an allergic rhinitis rat model. Lab Invest. 2016; 96: 981-93.